Up-scaling of the zero-gap CO2 electrolyzer

May 2020 – April 2021
In light of climate change, we started in 2018 with the IOF SBO STACkED project that aims at identifying the most optimal CO2 electrolyzer configuration. The results direct obtained from this project have in October 2019 led to the start of a patent application process with the De Clercq & Partners patenting agency to protect the CO2 electrolyzer configuration. The current CO2 electrolyzer is, however, still at the lab-scale and therefore situated at TRL 3. Consequently, it is time to take the next step and scale-up this electrolyzer design to an industrial relevant size, achieving TRL 5. The goal of this POC Blue_App project therefore is to up-scale the electrolyzer from 5 watt to 1-2 kilowatt. Moreover, this POC Blue_App project will also allow to strengthen the patent application process and find solutions to the potential bottlenecks that will be highlighted in the search report of the patent application process and explore valorization opportunities through a spin-off or third-party licensing.