
Flow technology as solution for up-scaling and increasing efficiency of chemical processes

The project aims at developing innovative continuous flow technologies with as prospective industrial implementation. Flow technology is especially useful for continuous processes and can be implemented at different levels going from efficient and economic screening of process conditions to process intensification

Flow technology as solution for up-scaling and increasing efficiency of chemical processes Meer lezen »

Paired electrocatalytic alkane dehydrogenation and CO2 reduction in a multicompartment electroreactor using metal-organic framework based proton conducting membranes

Alkane dehydrogenation is a central reaction not only in current chemical industry, but also in the revalorization of polyolefin waste feedstock. Dehydrogenation is endothermic and at high temperature (> 500°C) faces selectivity challenges

Paired electrocatalytic alkane dehydrogenation and CO2 reduction in a multicompartment electroreactor using metal-organic framework based proton conducting membranes Meer lezen »

Beyond the limits of mass transfer: design of 3D pillar electrodes in redox flow batteries

Return Beyond the limits of mass transfer: design of 3D pillar electrodes in redox flow batteries November 2020 – October 2024 Renewable intermittent power sources such as solar panels and windmills pose big challenges regarding production-consumption profile matching. To solve this issue, batteries can offer a sustainable solution. More specific, redox flow batteries are an

Beyond the limits of mass transfer: design of 3D pillar electrodes in redox flow batteries Meer lezen »

Unlocking the triple nitrogen bond: increasing the Faradaic efficiency with enhanced electrocatalysts achieved through a combination of high-end electrochemistry and electron microscopy.

One of the greatest global challenges is the minimization of greenhouse gas emissions. Finding a more eco-friendly alternative to the energy-intensive Haber-Bosch process is one way of tackling this problem. This project therefore focuses on the development of the nitrogen reduction reaction (NRR) under ambient conditions since it is more energy efficient. Unfortunately, current catalysts

Unlocking the triple nitrogen bond: increasing the Faradaic efficiency with enhanced electrocatalysts achieved through a combination of high-end electrochemistry and electron microscopy. Meer lezen »

FLOWER POWER: Design and use of an electrochemical flow reactor based on the COSTA™ technology

The goal of the project is to develop a prototype electrochemical reactor based on the COSTA™ technology. Current commercially available electrochemical reactors demonstrate significant restrictions in terms of mass transfer efficiency, a critical process parameter for heterogeneous catalyzed processes (i.e. electrochemistry). Having proved advantageous for the development of photochemical reactors, the COSTA™ technology will enable

FLOWER POWER: Design and use of an electrochemical flow reactor based on the COSTA™ technology Meer lezen »

Sol-gel chemistry to control morphology and porosity of actinide oxide feeds for electroreduction

The global energy demand is currently increasing due to an exponentially growing world population and ever expanding economic growth. Nuclear energy is an important base-load power source that can fulfil this demand with a limited impact on carbon emissions to the environment. The accumulation of highly radiotoxic spent nuclear fuel however is a major disadvantage.

Sol-gel chemistry to control morphology and porosity of actinide oxide feeds for electroreduction Meer lezen »